I'm doing a Bible study with a young married girl from church. We have started going through Loving God with All Your Mind. I was reading in chapter 5 this morning and it was on thinking on what is true (Phil. 4:8) in regards to the past. Elisabeth George was warning her readers that dwelling on the "I should have" of the past will only lead to discontentment now.
She said to read Psalm 77, which I did. It was just the scripture I needed this morning. The entire chapter was very encouraging, but the verses that stood out to me the most are 11-13. They say:
"I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your wonders of old. I will ponder all Your work, and meditate on Your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God?" Ps. 77:11-13
Don't you love the question at the end? It's one of those "duh" questions. There is no god greater than our God. I'm so thankful to have a God that knows my past and my future. And He has proven His faithfulness again and again and again. I don't have to live in the "I should have" moments of the past or the "what if" moments of the future. I must do as Phil. 4:8 commands and think on what is true.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Our Story
I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner, but this girl has been busy. So here is our story from the beginning.
Jeff and I met on eHarmony. We started communicating August 30 and haven't missed a day since then. From the very beginning our emails were very open and transparent. I could tell right away that this guy was special.
He was in Iraq, so the time difference was a bit of a challenge when we started talking on the phone. We made it work though. He'd get up early and I'd stay up late. We would talk for hours and hours and hours. The most we talked on the phone was 9 hours in one day. Our average was 2-4 hours though. (I need to clarify that Jeff was not in the military, but a private contractor on an Army base. He's a paramedic.)
He took an R & R in November to come meet me. It was simply wonderful to be together face to face and see that we work in person and not just on paper. When I looked out my peep hole and saw him standing on my stoop, I thought he looked even better in person than he did in his pictures. Our visit was amazing and we made our relationship official.
He went back to Iraq to finish up there and we went back to email and phone conversations. We had already made plans for him to visit the week between Christmas and New Year's. He would get to meet my parents on this trip. I picked him up from the airport on Sunday afternoon and I got to introduce him to my parents that evening. And let me just say, I was so proud to introduce him to my parents.
We had a great week together. He talked to my dad on Monday and got the thumbs up. Dad's words were, "He's a keeper." He wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. On Tuesday we went to look at engagement rings. Jeff did try to do this on his own, but it was difficult for him to look and order something when he had been in Iraq until just a few days before. He appealed to my practical side and said he needed some direction of what I liked. You see, he had me totally convinced he wasn't going to propose until later in January.
On Wednesday, we met my brother and his family near Peoria since that was the half-way mark for each of us. We had a great time and the kids simply loved Jeff. Ethan was pretty much attached to Jeff the entire day. I asked Ethan if I should marry Jeff and he looked at me like that meant I'd take him away from him. I explained he'd get to be his uncle and he very much liked that idea.
For New Year's Eve we decided to stay home and watch a movie. We both love old movies and he thought I'd enjoy True Grit. We started it at 10:00 to make sure we'd stay awake till midnight. I looked up and noticed that it was midnight and he said to turn the movie off. When I turned to get the remote, he dug the ring out of the couch. He had gone down earlier that day and hidden the ring beside the seat cushion. I turned and there he was, holding out the ring. I simply couldn't believe it! He asked me to marry him and I said, "Yeah."
He told me that my dad wanted us to wake them up when it happened. He told me my dad had known since Monday when they had talked. So we went upstairs to share the news with my parents. They were both very thrilled for us. We also called Bekah since we knew she'd be up with the time difference to Japan. We took a picture of the ring and I called to tell her to check her email. Boy, did she squeal in my ear. It was great!
He is simply everything I've prayed for in a man and even a few things that are icing on the cake. He's perfect for me and it is so very evident that he is the man that God has for me.
So there you have it. Our whirlwind romance. It's fun to begin planning for our wedding and the start of our lives together as Mr. and Mrs. Thanks so much for all your prayers. Keep them up. We want a wedding that will bring glory to God and will reflect our love for each other.
He currently lives in Texas and the plan is for him to move to Creston in March. It's wonderful to be in the same time zone, but I'm looking forward to living in the same town even more.
Jeff and I met on eHarmony. We started communicating August 30 and haven't missed a day since then. From the very beginning our emails were very open and transparent. I could tell right away that this guy was special.
He was in Iraq, so the time difference was a bit of a challenge when we started talking on the phone. We made it work though. He'd get up early and I'd stay up late. We would talk for hours and hours and hours. The most we talked on the phone was 9 hours in one day. Our average was 2-4 hours though. (I need to clarify that Jeff was not in the military, but a private contractor on an Army base. He's a paramedic.)
He took an R & R in November to come meet me. It was simply wonderful to be together face to face and see that we work in person and not just on paper. When I looked out my peep hole and saw him standing on my stoop, I thought he looked even better in person than he did in his pictures. Our visit was amazing and we made our relationship official.
He went back to Iraq to finish up there and we went back to email and phone conversations. We had already made plans for him to visit the week between Christmas and New Year's. He would get to meet my parents on this trip. I picked him up from the airport on Sunday afternoon and I got to introduce him to my parents that evening. And let me just say, I was so proud to introduce him to my parents.
We had a great week together. He talked to my dad on Monday and got the thumbs up. Dad's words were, "He's a keeper." He wasn't telling me anything I didn't already know. On Tuesday we went to look at engagement rings. Jeff did try to do this on his own, but it was difficult for him to look and order something when he had been in Iraq until just a few days before. He appealed to my practical side and said he needed some direction of what I liked. You see, he had me totally convinced he wasn't going to propose until later in January.
On Wednesday, we met my brother and his family near Peoria since that was the half-way mark for each of us. We had a great time and the kids simply loved Jeff. Ethan was pretty much attached to Jeff the entire day. I asked Ethan if I should marry Jeff and he looked at me like that meant I'd take him away from him. I explained he'd get to be his uncle and he very much liked that idea.
For New Year's Eve we decided to stay home and watch a movie. We both love old movies and he thought I'd enjoy True Grit. We started it at 10:00 to make sure we'd stay awake till midnight. I looked up and noticed that it was midnight and he said to turn the movie off. When I turned to get the remote, he dug the ring out of the couch. He had gone down earlier that day and hidden the ring beside the seat cushion. I turned and there he was, holding out the ring. I simply couldn't believe it! He asked me to marry him and I said, "Yeah."
He told me that my dad wanted us to wake them up when it happened. He told me my dad had known since Monday when they had talked. So we went upstairs to share the news with my parents. They were both very thrilled for us. We also called Bekah since we knew she'd be up with the time difference to Japan. We took a picture of the ring and I called to tell her to check her email. Boy, did she squeal in my ear. It was great!
He is simply everything I've prayed for in a man and even a few things that are icing on the cake. He's perfect for me and it is so very evident that he is the man that God has for me.
So there you have it. Our whirlwind romance. It's fun to begin planning for our wedding and the start of our lives together as Mr. and Mrs. Thanks so much for all your prayers. Keep them up. We want a wedding that will bring glory to God and will reflect our love for each other.
He currently lives in Texas and the plan is for him to move to Creston in March. It's wonderful to be in the same time zone, but I'm looking forward to living in the same town even more.
See, the kids think he's the coolest.....me too! |
Dinner on Sunday night after I picked him up. We exchanged Christmas gifts. Guess who gave me a new camera??? |
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Here we are on New Year's Day.....we had just gotten engaged very early that morning. |
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I'm In Love
And this time it's not with scarves. :)
I promise an update is on the way soon. Here's a picture to tide you over.
I promise an update is on the way soon. Here's a picture to tide you over.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Big Plans!
So, I'm headed to my parents for Christmas! I'm very excited to see them and spend some great quality time with them. You see, I simply don't get to see them often enough. I'm taking all of next week off work so I'll get to stay for New Year's too!
Okay, I have to admit. There is another reason I'm excited too. You see there is this guy that's coming. And he's going to be meeting my parents. And he's staying the entire week too!
So simply put, I'm going to be a very happy girl!
Just in case you can't scroll down and see a picture of the guy I'm talking about, I'll post another picture. I'm sure it will make him very happy (insert evil laugh here).
Okay, I have to admit. There is another reason I'm excited too. You see there is this guy that's coming. And he's going to be meeting my parents. And he's staying the entire week too!
So simply put, I'm going to be a very happy girl!
Just in case you can't scroll down and see a picture of the guy I'm talking about, I'll post another picture. I'm sure it will make him very happy (insert evil laugh here).
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He's not angry...the sun is in his eyes (just wanted to clarify). I think the picture looks a bit GQ. :) |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Give Away at The Green Twig
Head on over to The Green Twig for a neat give away! I'd love to win the tea set!
Monday, December 6, 2010
I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been busy. I joined the YMCA the end of October and have enjoyed working out on the elliptical. I've also started going to a fitness class on Monday and Friday nights. It's called Zumba! It's so much fun! I'm not very good at it, but it sure makes me smile while working out. I've posted a video below in case some of you aren't familiar with it. Anyone want to join me? I need a friend to go with me.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. This past year has been so full. It was a year ago this week that I left camp. When I reflect on all that God has done this past year, I'm overwhelmed with thanks.
Here's a bit of a recap:
We also celebrated Christmas with Scott and his family since we won't get to see them. Below are the gifts I gave the kids. I love them, but I'm sure their parents might not like the idea of them playing with their food. What can I say....I'm a great aunt. :)
Here's a bit of a recap:
- God directed me to leave the camp ministry....difficult, but part of His plan.
- God gave me a wonderful three months of rest and time with my family.
- God provided me with a job before I even started looking.
- God led me to buy my first house....all by myself.....I was scared out of my mind. It has truly become a home.
- God led me to a wonderful church family where He is allowing me to serve Him.
- Last, but certainly not least, God brought a wonderful man into my life.....see previous post if you missed it. :)
This past year has been such a growing time for me. He has truly blessed me and I'm thankful for all He has done. I can't wait to see what this next year holds.
Here are few pictures of our family celebration this year.
Donna, Me, & Mom |
Mom, Me & Dad |
Scott, Autumn, Jamie & Ethan - time to load up on the yummy dinner |
Ethan and Me - I love the look on his face. He's such a ham. |
Donna & Uncle Smiley (just gave him that nickname this week) |
Monday, November 22, 2010
I would like to introduce all my faithful readers to someone very, very special.
This is Jeff.
Oh, you want more details? I suppose...If I must. Jeff and I met on eHarmony and have been dating online and over the phone for almost three months now. We met face-to-face this weekend and made it official.
I feel very blessed that God has put this man into my life. You can pray for him. He gets to meet the parents over New Year's. :) I have no doubt he'll pass with flying colors.
Oh, you want more details? I suppose...If I must. Jeff and I met on eHarmony and have been dating online and over the phone for almost three months now. We met face-to-face this weekend and made it official.
I feel very blessed that God has put this man into my life. You can pray for him. He gets to meet the parents over New Year's. :) I have no doubt he'll pass with flying colors.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Mighty Fortress
A Mighty Fortress is one of my favorite hymns. A friends posted this arrangement on her Facebook and I thought I'd share it with you. Read the words below as you listen. In fact, sing along. What an amazing God we have!!!
A Mighty Fortress Is our God
by Martin Luthur
A mighty fortress is our God,
by Martin Luthur
A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he amid the flood
of mortal ills prevaling.
For still our ancient foe
doth seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.
Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right man on our side,
the man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth, his name,
from age to age the same,
and he must win the battle.
And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God hath willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The Prince of Darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo, his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.
That word above all earthly powers,
no thanks to them, abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours,
thru him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill;
God's truth abideth still;
his kingdom is forever.
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