Monday, November 23, 2009

Giving Thanks

We had our Praise Banquet at church last night. What a wonderful time of praise to our Savior. One of our college guys gave the message and preached on Job. Not a typical thanksgiving message, but it was just what I needed. Somewhere in our little minds, we tend to make Thanksgiving about us. Oh, I know we GIVE THANKS for God's blessings. But what blessings to you tend to thank God, job, home, friends, church, etc. Do we remember to thank Him for EVERYTHING? Job was left with nothing and yet offered praise to God. This is especially timely for me.

This is my last week at camp. Although I'm excited to find what God has around the next bend for me, it's also very heart breaking. I'm not just leaving a job, but my entire life from the last six years. Just thinking about it now is bringing tears. I know that it is an answer to prayer and I know that God will use this stage in my life to continue to draw me closer to Him, but it breaks my heart. But I choose to give thanks. I choose to give thanks for the difficult circumstances that brought me to this decision. I choose to give thanks I have no strength of my own and have to draw from His. (When I am weak; then He is strong).

I have wonderful things to be thankful for as well. But let's remember that even if God decides to take it all away, we still have a reason to be thankful - God. Job was simply rejoicing in who God was even though he had nothing..."The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21b

One of our teens sang this song last night and it was such a powerful message. Enjoy the song and let's be thankful for our Savior together.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Erin for directing my gaze yet again to God. I appreciated your praise even in the midst of your circumstances. God is in control - always! Love you Erin! --Mom

Carrie said...

Wow, what a great reminder to be thankful in everything. I'm sure this must be a very difficult week for you, Erin - I'll be praying for you!!!

Theo-Ann said...

Hi Erin! What an awesome reminder to all of us. I understand leaving a ministry, cuz' I left after 12 years (it was my first ministry,too). Now, after two months, the tears don't come as often and I'm looking forward. It does get easier as time passes. My praise journal has helped a lot as I am constantly reminded that God is good and I need to thank Him not only for the past, but with what He is doing now in this new ministry. You continue to be on my daily prayer list. Do keep us posted on where the Lord leads you next.:)