Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've Been Tagged

What was I doing ten years ago?
I was a Junior at Northland Baptist Bible College. I had a pretty interesting roommate that semester, so I was probably either having to talk with her or avoiding her. (Remember, Kristi?) I was probably studying and having fun in the dorm.

What was I doing five years ago?
I was living in Eau Claire, WI, working at Ayres Associates as the Transportation Secretary. I was working with my parents in a church planting ministry.

What was I doing one year ago?
I was doing pretty much the exact same thing I am doing now: working at IRBC, attending Faith Baptist Church, teaching Jr. Girls, going to basketball games, etc.

What was I doing yesterday?
Working in the office. Then I went to Pamela Betz's concert, and the end of Tyler Betz's and Jared Callison's basketball game. Then I watched Dancing with the Stars when I got home (taped it). Went to bed late.

Five snacks I love:
Chex Mix
Anything Chocolate
String Cheese

Five places I would run away to:
Just home alone
A cabin in the woods
Ireland - just because I've never been and want to go

Five TV shows I like:
Dancing with the Stars
American Idol
CSI New York
Anything on the Food Network

Five things I hate doing:
Talking on the phone
Crafts / Decorating for events
Anything last minute - I'm a planner

Five biggest joys of the moment:
Teaching Jr. Girls
God's Word
Time spent with family
Basketball season

Okay, now it's time to tag people (thanks for the tag Kelly).

Mary Ann - you need to do some serious blogging anyway


Amy Blackburn said...

So how is this "panting" church ministry going?? I had to laugh, and of course I knew what you meant!!! Good one!!

Anonymous said...

Is this some sort of mean trick to get me to use my blog???

And about that talking on the phone...you like to talk, right? So is it just because you answer the phone ALL day that you don't like...or perhaps it's just around that time of year when Camp Club members can register early for FC?

Erin said...

I think it's because I talk on the phone so much during the day. I don't always hate to talk. It just depends on what mood I'm in and what I'm doing. And yes, this is to get you to blog.