Much of our campground is not heated and sits dormant and unused most of the winter. Our retreats are limited to small groups because of this. This also means that all of these buildings need to be cleaned and ready to go for this weekend. So we all push up our sleeves and jump into to task of cleaning off a large layer of dust, dirt and grime. It is really neat to look out the office window and see the dining hall shining and ready for campers. I was going to take some before and after pictures for you, but couldn't find my camera when it was all a mess. The after pictures would be meaningless now.
All this cleaning also takes place as we are getting our materials ready for Counselor Training. We print booklet after booklet and handout after handout. For the last five years, I have had two very prominent helpers assist me in putting together all of the materials, Amanda and Pamela. I found this picture of them the first year they helped out with Counselor Training. Wow! Have they ever grown up since then!
This is them now! It's not a great picture and they would hate that I put it on, but here it is, nonetheless. We just won't tell them, will we. :)
Since they are now both involved in track and too busy to come help me (I've been abandoned for the long jump and relays), I have now started training their younger sisters! They did a fabulous job and I look forward to many years of their help as well. I pretty much have 6-7 years before I'm out of helpers. I think the two young couples on staff need to start their families or I'm going to have to do all the work myself! :)
Well, this is getting to be a long post, so I'll delve into our philosophy of counseling some other time!
Oh, please pray for me this weekend. I woke up with a really sore throat and cough. We have a lot to do and long hours, so pray that I endure until Saturday evening...then I can crash!