Monday, February 15, 2010

Biblical Counseling

I attended the Biblical Counseling Training Conference at Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, IN this past week. My parents have both gone through their training and my dad warned me that it was like trying to take a sip from a fire hydrant. He was right!

Even though I don't see myself as every counseling in a session type environment, it was such a helpful conference. It will not only help me in helping others, but it was very convicting in my own life as well. I came away with several areas of my heart exposed.

I got to hear incredible speakers such as Steve Viars, Mark Dutton, Dr. Wickert, James MacDonald, Paul Tripp and too many others to list.

It was also wonderful to attend the conference with some of the camp ladies and spend some time with them. Anna and I stayed at the same home and had several late nights of iron sharpening iron. I'm very thankful for such wonderful friendships.

Becky did provide us with flannel sheets! :) I had a great time catching up with a wonderful college friend though our time together was very short due to the conference schedule.

I hope to be able to attend again next year...on to Track 2!

1 comment:

The Sneaky Mommy said...

I'm so glad you got to go! I have always heard great things about that conference and hope to go someday! Glad you are safely home, too!