Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I Won!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Senior Pictures
Friday, October 17, 2008
She's Home!
I think I wore her out. She was falling asleep standing up.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Funny Jr. Girls Story
I told the class that we pray for each girl and what I had specifically prayed about the twins. I was excited that God had answered my prayer. Well, Deidre raised her hand and said, "So basically you blinded us." We all laughed so hard!!! We have so much fun in our class!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why do I do this?
I called Stacey, Bekah and my parents. They all really helped in calming me down, but here is my point. (Okay, this isn't my point here, but why call them instead of praying first...I did pray too, but not first...okay, now on to my real point.) Why do I freak out when I get an answer to prayer? I have wanted a dog for a long time. I get tired of going home to an empty house. I have always loved it when we had dogs growing up. I knew that with my housing/work situation it just wasn't possible. But I kept praying about it.
Well, lo and behold...God answered yes and very unexpectedly too. I went through this when I was offered the job here too. I was excited and really wanted it and prayed that Pastor Phil would call. Then the call came and it really freaked me out! Once again...all the "what if's."
Bottom line, it's worry and it's sin. God doesn't answer prayers and then leave us hanging. Stacey gave the application after our lesson last Wednesday night. She gave everyone a piece of paper and they had to find verses to battle against a particular temptation. Well, for my devos this morning, I did the assignment and had to write down worry as my temptation. I have never thought of myself as a person that struggled with this, but if I'm honest with myself I really do.
I'm thankful for God's Word. Not only does it help expose areas of our lives, but it also gives solutions. So maybe you need to take the challenge. What temptation are you battling? Write it down and find some scripture to help.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Not Very Nice...But Very Nice
I pulled over and called the police to get a report. I'm glad all they did was break my tail light. The police officer said that he thinks they threw a bottle at me. There were shards of glass above my wheel well and some liquid there too.
Ready and Waiting
So here I wait until Friday to pick her up, but I'm ready! Don't worry, she won't come close to filling this crate. I just want to have a little room for her to stretch. I also got a pink collar and leash and a few toys as well. I have to thank Stacey and my dad for being on call while I went shopping. They answered lots and lots of questions for me.
I really wanted the pink food dish that said "Diva" on it, but I think I had spent enough money already.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Big News
Anyway, about my news. I have been wanting a dog for quite awhile now and didn't think it was possible because of my housing/work situation. Well, I have learned not to limit God...even in things such as dogs. He knows our hearts and even cares about whether we want a dog. So guess, what??? Yep, you guessed it...I'm getting a dog.
My friends, the Ryals, went with me to the pound today and I totally fell in love. Let me introduce you.
So I want you to help me decide on a new name for Troik (ugh...I can't stand to think that she is there being called by that name). I have a few suggestions, but I would love to hear your suggestions too. So even if you are stopping by my blog by chance and have never been here before, I want to hear from you. If you have known me from birth, I especially want to hear from you. If you claim to be my friend, I better hear from you! Okay, so here is my list:
I'm really leaning toward, Stella. Maybe you need to know a little bit about her. She is a seven month old Beagle/Terrier mix. She was found as a stray and brought to the pound. The pound does euthanize dogs, so I'm really glad that I found her. She has lots of energy, but was very eager to please. I'll have a lot of training work on my hands (potty, obedience), but she seems very submissive and smart. If I get approved as her new home, they will spay her, vaccinate her and give her an overall check up. Then I can bring her home most likely on Friday.
I'll be looking forward to hearing your ideas.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Great Weekend!
We then stopped at the Police Station to say hi to Stacey's husband Jeremy. Don't worry, he wasn't in trouble...he's one of Mason City's finest. Thanks for tour, Jeremy. By the way, it doesn't look at all like what they show on TV and movies.
We then stopped in at the art museum. A wedding was going to be held there, so we had to make that quick too. It was really neat though. The guy that made the puppets on The Sound of Music was from Mason City and he donated a lot of the puppets to the museum. The puppets from the movie were there! It was really neat to see them.
We then went to their house for dinner. The ribs were super yummy! Thanks for a great day, Stacey. It was wonderful!
On our hike.
Tabitha took some great pictures on our hike. I love fall.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Jr. Girls Class
Our theme this year is Jr. Girls Boot Camp. We have pink camouflage behind the verses for the semester all over the room! We divided the girls into teams this year with some fun incentives. Last night we let them pick their team name and they designed flags. We have the Pink Bombs and the Blue Tankers. I'll try to get pictures to post soon!
Several of our girls from last year have not returned. We have called and sent letters, so please pray that they are able to come back. We want God to continue to have an impact on their lives. I do realize that God can do that without us, but we truly love them and want to see them back.